January 10, 2019
This post contains a TON of cow noses so beware, if you don’t love cows maybe this post isn’t for you 😉
My favorite time of the year has always been the holidays especially Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving because of so many things fall, family, going to the farm, food and so much more!
It’s a great time of year since the race season ends the weekend before the holiday, so we take off to Ohio for a good week to hang out with family, get a taste of farm life, hunt, eat amazing food and RELAX!
I enjoy getting back to the farm life helping my mom do all of the chores feeding the cows & chickens, gathering eggs, Sadie loves running in the pasture fields, chasing barn cats, and hanging out with her grandma & grandpa 🙂 Seth lives for deer hunting the entire week and eating my mom’s cooking (of course)! We make so many memories that week, we get to relax and enjoy the company of our family & there is nothing better than that!
I look forward to November every year because of this & I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. So here are a few photos I snapped this Thanksgiving & a few of the cattle ones I snapped when I was there in October when the grass was greener!
The many faces of Sadie Mae!
Mom & Dad getting a rare photo opportunity!
Family Photo time!!
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